Sunday, July 12, 2015

My Day 6 Journey To 40 Days Of Greatness

Day 6. Tomorrow is another day. 

#40DaysOfGreatness for #LGG4

"Every day, my dad would have me looking in the mirror and repeat, 'Today is going to be a GREAT day; I can and I will." - Gina Rodriguez

*This post was written as my entry to LG Philippines' contest on Instagram. You may view the mechanics HERE.*

My Day 5 Journey to 40 Days Of Greatness

Day 5. Stand Out. Stand Proud. 

#40DaysOfGreatness for #LGG4

"I used to walk down the street like I was a star.. I want people to walk around delusional about how GREAT they can be - and then to fight so hard for it every day that the lie becomes the truth." - Lady Gaga

*This post was written as my entry to LG Philippines' contest on Instagram. You may view the mechanics HERE."

My Day 4 Journey To 40 Days Of Greatnes

Day 4. A beauty in a world of beasts. 

#40DaysOfGreatness for #LGG4

"Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born GREAT, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them." - William Shakespeare

*This post was written as my entry to LG Philippines' contest on Instagram. You may view the mechanics HERE.*

My Day 3 Journey to 40 Days of Greatness

Day 3. A ray of hope amid the darkness. 

#40DaysOfGreatness for #LGG4

"You do not need a GREAT faith, but faith in a GREAT God." - James Hudson Taylor 

*This post was written as my entry to LG Philippines' contest on Instagram. You may view the mechanics HERE.*

My Day 2 Journey to 40 Days of Greatness

Day 2. Capturing the serenity after a storm. 

#40DaysOfGreatness for #LGG4

"If you will stay close to nature, to its simplicity, to the small things hardly noticeable, those things can unexpectedly become  GREAT and immeasurable." - Rainer Maria Rilke

*This post was written as my entry to LG Philippines' contest on Instagram. You may view the mechanics HERE.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

My Day 1 Journey to 40 Days Of Greatness

Day 1. Deep, blurry thoughts on a rainy, pourin' Sunday afternoon. 

#40DaysOfGreatness for #LGG4

"When it rains, it pours. Maybe the art of life is to convert tough times to GREAT experiences: we can choose to hate the rain or dance in it." - Joan Marques 

*This post was written as my entry to LG Philippine's contest on Instagram. You may view the mechanics HERE.*

My Childhood Happiness

Childhood for me is the happiest time of a person's life. I have so many wonderful childhood memories, but most of them are like snapshots pictures in my mind. Opening gifts, learning to ride the bike, trips and outings, birthday and christmas celebrations, etc. All of these memories leave me with happy and pleasant feelings about my childhood. There are really some things that stick in our minds and become happy thoughts. But these ordinary recollections don't really carry the same emotional weight.

With my Papa. Yes, I'm a lolo's girl! ❤️
Sitting like a boss with my tita's on the background.
With my childhood bestfriend, Debbie.
(That's me wearing the red and blue polka dots swimsuit.)
With my ninongs and ninangs.
(That pretty woman carrying me is my mom.)
But there's one thing I missed doing and feeling now that I'm already an adult. Going back to the
years when I was still a little girl made me realize that "THIS" gave me the happiest feeling ever...

I realized that the happiest childhood memory I had was during those days when I was being sandwiched on the bed by my mom and dad. It gave me feelings of security and connectedness. That unexplainable happiness when they put a blanket on me, kissed me goodnight and hugged me until I fell asleep. And waking up in the morning with the two of them by my side made me complete.

I may have lots of happy childhood memories but this one is the happiest and the most significant. If I had a time machine or a genie in the bottle, I'd choose to visit this particular moment once again because I miss this kind of happiness.

"'Tis never the place, but the people one shares it with who are the cause of our happiest moments." - Susanna Kearsley

*This post was written as my entry to Modworld Inc's Inside Out movie ticket giveaway on Instagram. You may view the mechanics HERE.*