Sunday, July 12, 2015

My Day 6 Journey To 40 Days Of Greatness

Day 6. Tomorrow is another day. 

#40DaysOfGreatness for #LGG4

"Every day, my dad would have me looking in the mirror and repeat, 'Today is going to be a GREAT day; I can and I will." - Gina Rodriguez

*This post was written as my entry to LG Philippines' contest on Instagram. You may view the mechanics HERE.*

My Day 5 Journey to 40 Days Of Greatness

Day 5. Stand Out. Stand Proud. 

#40DaysOfGreatness for #LGG4

"I used to walk down the street like I was a star.. I want people to walk around delusional about how GREAT they can be - and then to fight so hard for it every day that the lie becomes the truth." - Lady Gaga

*This post was written as my entry to LG Philippines' contest on Instagram. You may view the mechanics HERE."

My Day 4 Journey To 40 Days Of Greatnes

Day 4. A beauty in a world of beasts. 

#40DaysOfGreatness for #LGG4

"Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born GREAT, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them." - William Shakespeare

*This post was written as my entry to LG Philippines' contest on Instagram. You may view the mechanics HERE.*

My Day 3 Journey to 40 Days of Greatness

Day 3. A ray of hope amid the darkness. 

#40DaysOfGreatness for #LGG4

"You do not need a GREAT faith, but faith in a GREAT God." - James Hudson Taylor 

*This post was written as my entry to LG Philippines' contest on Instagram. You may view the mechanics HERE.*

My Day 2 Journey to 40 Days of Greatness

Day 2. Capturing the serenity after a storm. 

#40DaysOfGreatness for #LGG4

"If you will stay close to nature, to its simplicity, to the small things hardly noticeable, those things can unexpectedly become  GREAT and immeasurable." - Rainer Maria Rilke

*This post was written as my entry to LG Philippines' contest on Instagram. You may view the mechanics HERE.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

My Day 1 Journey to 40 Days Of Greatness

Day 1. Deep, blurry thoughts on a rainy, pourin' Sunday afternoon. 

#40DaysOfGreatness for #LGG4

"When it rains, it pours. Maybe the art of life is to convert tough times to GREAT experiences: we can choose to hate the rain or dance in it." - Joan Marques 

*This post was written as my entry to LG Philippine's contest on Instagram. You may view the mechanics HERE.*

My Childhood Happiness

Childhood for me is the happiest time of a person's life. I have so many wonderful childhood memories, but most of them are like snapshots pictures in my mind. Opening gifts, learning to ride the bike, trips and outings, birthday and christmas celebrations, etc. All of these memories leave me with happy and pleasant feelings about my childhood. There are really some things that stick in our minds and become happy thoughts. But these ordinary recollections don't really carry the same emotional weight.

With my Papa. Yes, I'm a lolo's girl! ❤️
Sitting like a boss with my tita's on the background.
With my childhood bestfriend, Debbie.
(That's me wearing the red and blue polka dots swimsuit.)
With my ninongs and ninangs.
(That pretty woman carrying me is my mom.)
But there's one thing I missed doing and feeling now that I'm already an adult. Going back to the
years when I was still a little girl made me realize that "THIS" gave me the happiest feeling ever...

I realized that the happiest childhood memory I had was during those days when I was being sandwiched on the bed by my mom and dad. It gave me feelings of security and connectedness. That unexplainable happiness when they put a blanket on me, kissed me goodnight and hugged me until I fell asleep. And waking up in the morning with the two of them by my side made me complete.

I may have lots of happy childhood memories but this one is the happiest and the most significant. If I had a time machine or a genie in the bottle, I'd choose to visit this particular moment once again because I miss this kind of happiness.

"'Tis never the place, but the people one shares it with who are the cause of our happiest moments." - Susanna Kearsley

*This post was written as my entry to Modworld Inc's Inside Out movie ticket giveaway on Instagram. You may view the mechanics HERE.*

Friday, June 26, 2015

Of Being An Online Kontesera

I now officially include myself in the list of people who are into joining online contests. And I take pride in branding myself as a CERTIFIED ONLINE KONTESERA! 

I got into this thing after it was announced to me that I won a raffle from Astoria. It was a free buffet dinner and a hotel accomodation to any of their participating hotels (read the story HERE).

The first Twitter contest I've joined was Conzace's #VeyImmunePeraon promo where they would like to know about your travel plan. All you need to do is tweet your answer, tag Conzace and use their official hashtag. Easy, right? 

So I followed the instructions. I immediately received a tweet from Conzace thanking me for joining and asking me to send them a DM with my deets which I obediently and excitedly did. 

I received an email from them giving me further instructions on how I can win their promo for a Limited Edition Travel Health Kit. However, I was not really going to travel during that time so I can't show them a proof of a plane ticket or anything that will prove my travel. 

So, I failed..

Lesson learned: INTEGRITY and HONESTY are important factors in submitting your entries. 

But I didn't stop there. I started following official Twitter accounts (PH accounts) of establishments, brands, restaurants, famous people, bloggers, etc. I cleaned my list of "following" by deleting some accounts that I follow. 

From then on, my eyes were opened to the many promos being offered online. I was engaged in stalking Twitter accounts (am not really into FB and IG) with hopes of bumping into an online giveaway. I particularly join online contests which do not require any purchase. You may call me CHEAPSKATE, I don't care! At least, I am exercising my brain, enhancing my creativity and most especially, I AM WINNING!

Just to share (and to slightly brag) after less than a month of joining online contests, I've already won 17 of the promos I've participated in. And that included winning a VOOC Flash Charger from OPPO and a GC worth 1K from OLX. Isn't that amazing?! 

But I must warn you though, searching for online contests can eat up too much of your time since you need to refresh your feed every now and then. Plus, being infront of your gadget for only you know how long causes eye strain. So be wise and careful. Don't let it take you away from your other obligations and think about your health too. 

So there goes my story on how I started being an Online Kontesera. How about you? Have you joined online contests before and have won? Hope you did! 

To be updated with online contests, you may follow: 
@Hashtag_Phils on Twitter 

Just like what Hashtag PH always says.. 

" Good luck and always use the right HASHTAG! " 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Modworld Production's #JurassicWorld

Last night, June 13, was the Special Block Screening of Jurassic World in 3D at SM Megamall Cinema 1. 

I was fortunate to have won 2 movie tickets to this event through @ModworldInc's Twitter giveaway!

I gift the movie tickets to my boyfriend's mom and she chose her apo to watch the movie with her. 

I didn't go so there was no moments to write regarding last night's experience. What I would like to share though is this.. 

What I appreciate most about ModWorld, aside from being GENEROUS in giving away free movie passes, is their EFFICIENT CUSTOMER SERVICE.

I've only known that I won free passes the day after they've posted their announcement on Twitter. And upon me knowing about their tweet, I sent them a personal message to ask if I can give the movie tickets to someone else..

Modworld said yes and proactively suggested the option to change my name on their list to the name of the person whom I'd give the tickets to. 

I very much appreciated that! 

It led to a hassle free claiming of the movie passes. I don't even have to go with them or give my valid ID so they can claim the tickets on my behalf. 

So it was a movie date between the lola and the apo. So cute! 

The boyfriend's mom and the boyfriend's nephew enjoyed the movie as much as they've enjoyed their take home lootbags!

They brought home two bags full of stuff from the sponsors. The nephew gave one bag to her ate and gave the other one to me as pasalubong. 

One thing though, the nephew wasn't able to take pictures of him showing his best dinosaur pose in the ModWorld Popcorn Club photo wall so we can have an entry to the Best Dinosaur Impression Photo Contest

But that's okay. We'll give chance to others! 

If you also want to be as lucky as me follow Modworld Productions' social media accounts and get updated with their promos and giveaways. 

Follow them on 
Twitter @modworldinc
Instagram @modworldinc

Thanks again, Modworld Production!!! 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Manila Bulletin's #MBJurassicWorld

Have you already watched Jurassic World? 

If your answer is no, you'd better go see it before everybody talks about it! 

Don't worry, I will not blog about the movie because I know you don't want to hear any spoilers. 

I just want to share how I scored 2 free passes to the Block Screening of Jurassic World. 

I was one of the lucky people who had the chance to see the movie on it's first day of screening here in the Philippines and thanks to Manila Bulletin for making that possible! 

They had this twitter contest where they post questions (related to dinosaurs and the Jurassic movies) daily and all you have to do is answer their question of the day. You can check how the game was played here.

And alas on June 06, I won! 

Joining this kind of contest requires patience (a lot of it) and creativity (in answering the question).

The day of the Special Block Screening came. We arrived at Powerplant Mall around 6:30pm. Approached Cinema 6 where the movie was shown and found Manila Bulletin's booth where I claimed my movie passes.

Since it was still early (movie starts at 7:30 as printed on the movie passes), we went around the mall and did some window shopping. And by the time we went back to the cinema, the line was already 

In the line, the event organizers/sponsors had us signed a sheet and Security Bank (one of the sponsors) gave out foldable plastic fans. 

There was a short program and a mini contest before the movie started. Questions pertaining to the sponsors were asked. And prizes were given out; Umbrellas from Security Bank and Varsity jackets from Manila Bulletin. 

I braved one question and got myself a nice jacket! 

Sponsors to the event were Manila Bulletin, Sky Cable and Security Bank.

As promised, I will not speak about how the movie ended, who died and who made it out alive. 

All I cay is, It was really an awesome movie! 

Again, thanks to Manila Bulletin for my free passes.

Until next time *wink*!!! 

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Oppo's #VOOC Flash Charger

This box came in last week via UPS. I was so excited to open it!

A few weeks ago, I joined Oppo's #FreebieFriday on Twitter @oppo. What it asked its readers to do was to simply RT their post with the proper hashtag and you might win the prize. (You can check the promo here) And guess what? I DID!

I won myself an Oppo VOOC Flash Charger!

I am not a techy, gadget-y and know-all person when it comes to specs and the likes. But what I do know is I love VOOC Flash Charger's appearance and it really does charge my phone battery fast! It's comfortable to hold in the hand. It comes in white (the kind of white that I like), it's light and thin. It also has LED status lights on the upper right part of the powerbank. This will show the current state-of-charge. And even the box looks posh!

It's slogan says, "If it's not any faster, it wouldn't be real".

As being described by Oppo, the powerbank will charge your phone up to 75% in just 30 mins, while a 70-minute charge will restore full battery. And that really is a WOW!

The rapid charge adapter needs to be bought separately. But if you have one that is compatible with
your VOOC Flash Charger, it will do.

I did join one of OPPO's online contest again on twitter. This time the prize is an OPPO R7 which is a perfect match for my VOOC Flash Charger.

I am keeping my fingers crossed!

(Sorry for the quality of my photos. This is the reason why I need to win that R7! *wink*)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

TIP: Better Way Of Folding Undies

How do you fold your undies?

I fold mine this way:

Step 1. Lay down your undies on its back.

Step 2. Fold the crotch panel up until it reaches the waistband.

Step 3. Fold one side to the middle.

Step 4. And the other side.

Note: The front side looks this way:

Step 5. Separate the other side of the waistband.

Step 6. Roll over the separated waistband.

Step 7. Roll it over until it forms a sausage shape.


This manner of folding helps us organize our cabinets or drawers and saves space. This is also good when packing your undies for travel.



See how much space I saved?! 😉☺️👍

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Astoria's "RAFFLE PROMO"

Have you ever got lucky in a raffle draw?

I've been working for more than 8 years now and I haven't won any of the raffle promos that my current company and previous companies held. Even raffle promos at groceries or malls, I was never lucky.

Until that night..

We dined at Abe's at BGC The Fort last May 10, 2015. While we were waiting for the food, a lady approached us, introduced herself and politely asked us ro fill out a form for a raffle ticket sponsored by Astoria. The form asked for both me and the bf's information including employment and salary bracket. Since the lady made an assurance that we will not be paying anything for it, I agreed thinking that maybe Abe's and Astoria have a tie-up. We never really paid attention to it (since just like what I've said, I never won in any raffle draws). So we finished eating, walked around BGC then went home.

A week had passed..

The thought of that raffle promo thing already slipped our minds until I received a call from a certain Mark Reyes from Astoria Plaza Hotel. At first, I thought it was a sales call and I was ready to give my "I am not interested" line but when I heard the word "CONGRATULATIONS". my mood changed. I was now interested to listen. I was excited to hear the good news. So, I was told that I won in their weekly raffle draw - a free buffet dinner for two at Astoria Cafe, Ortigas and a gift certificate for two a free accomodation for a 4n/3d stay at Orlando Florida or 3n/2d stay at either Cebu, Bangkok Thailand, Bali Indonesia, Malaysia or Las Vegas Nevada valid until November 2016. I had a big smile on my face but kept my tone as I don't want the person on the other line knew about my excitement. So Mark went on giving me information and mentioned that there will be a 90 minute presentation after the dinner then I will be awarded the gift certificate. Having an experience with sales, I had a bad vibe that this has a catch. Mark's tone resembled that of a sales agent (high pitch and very enthusiastic) and always reiterating what I had won. I kept on listening. I asked if these are all for free just to be sure, he said yes and told me that I don't even have to bring an extra cash. That
made me more nervous because it sounded more like a sales pitch and that they will be offering me
something in the end. But I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt. So I told Mark that I will  not be availing the buffet dinner that night instead said that I will be available the day after (Sunday). I was certain that the dinner is really for free but I was having second thoughts about the presentation.

The Text

Worries I had that Saturday night:

1. What will happen in the presentation?
2. Are they going to convince us to buy a condo unit?
3. Am I going to pay something for this (tax, service charge, entrance fee)?
4. A sale needs to happen before I can get that gift certificate.

Sunday morning..

I got a call from a different person (I forgot the name) confirming our attendance for the night's buffet dinner. I told him we will be at the hotel at 6 in the evening. Also texted them confirming the time of our arrival.

Sunday around 5 in the afternoon..

A missed call was registered on my phone and a text again from the hotel asking for my whereabouts (if we were on our way and where we are exactly). I was bothered and kind of annoyed since that morning I've already spoken with one of their personnels and confirmed our attendance. But again, I gave them the benefit of the doubt and texted that we were still hearing mass but will proceed directly to yhe hotel right after.

Around 5:45 in the afternoon..

While still at the church, my phone was ringing (on vibrate mode) showing an unregistered number. I
excused myself, went out to answer the call. It was from Astoria Plaza Hotel. I began to get irritated and told the person that I was on the church and already informed them numerous times that we will be there at 6 in the evening. The person apologized and I disconnected the call.

The first (and perhaps the second) follow up call was understandable since it was a dinner reservation it is normal for them to verify our attendance. But the third one was already annoying.

Arrival at Astoria Hotel Plaza..

At Cafe Astoria
It was 6:10 in the evening when we arrived. We proceeded directly to Cafe Astoria (as per given
instruction) for the dinner. We were accomodated by one of the managers and ushered us to our table. She gave us a form to fill out before having the dinner. The questions on the form was the same with what we had provided before we were given the raffle stubs at Abe's. The manager made small talk and asked if we are okay to stay the 90 minute presentation after the dinner then we will be awarded the gc. We were informed that it's going to be a personal conversation with one of their managers. Me and the bf both said yes (curious of what the presentation is all about).

The schedule for dinner was from 6 in the evening to 8:30 in the evening. We finished eating after less than an hour. The food was limited for a buffet and was okay (anyway, it's free so who's compalining). And I was not surprised with ghe quality of food because we already experienced eating there. There were other guests dining during that moment and some of them were also "raffle winners". I can tell because they also filled out a form. The bf asked the manager if we can go ahead with the presentation. The lady manager left to see if our presenter is ready and after a minute or two, another manager by the name of Pierce approached us from our dinner table. Introductions were made then we proceeded to one of the hotel rooms for a tour. Me and the bf were already familiar with their rooms because when my relatives from Canada had a vacation, they stayed at Astoria. So we told Pierce that we no longer needed the tour and can just go ahead with the presentation. So he led us to the penthouse where they hold the presentations. I was not impressed with their penthouse. The wall paintings look old, it has a small space and has dirty restrooms (2 restrooms in the penthouse).

We were the first of the guests to be accomodated for the presentation. We occupied the space near the door entrance because that's where Pierce's things were. We can see other chairs and tables. I thought that's where the others will be seated (and I thought right).

First question from the presenter was, "Do you like travelling?" (in tagalog) and the obvious answer
from us was - YEs! Second question was if we have an idea of the presentation. The bf said it's a sales presentation and I answered the same. In fairness to Pierce, he didn't lie to us. He went straight
to the point of the presentation's intention and told us that we will not be forced to buy anything out of our free will. So we listened. And as the presentation went by (btw, it was a timeshare presentation), me and the bf realized that we can actually benefit something from what was being offered to us but the question was HOW MUCH?

I, myself love to travel plus my family and all of my 1st degree relatives from the father's side are living abroad. I can get them a hotel accomodation where they can stay while on vacation for a very, very low price. And also two of my relatives have travel agencies, I can partner with them. Bf's circle of friends are also into travelling. We thought of using the membership for personal or make a "business" out of it ( the business part was discouraged by Pierce since he said the company doesn't allow it. But who will know?) We can take advantage of the low prices as a privelege given to members only for personal use or we can, as what they term it GIFT or LEND it to others. We can gain by booking a partner hotel on behalf of the others and sell it to them way cheaper than what was published on the hotel's website. It's gonna be a win-win-win situation for everybody.

But again the question was - HOW MUCH?

Pierce went on with the presentation and the benefits of being a member, He got us acquainted with R.C.I. and the hotels around the world associated to it as part of the benefits. He also showed us his passport with a multiple entry visa which caught our attention once again (Pierce is also a member). Being a member, Astoria and R.C.I. will back their members up when applying for a tourist visa for a vacation. They issue a certificate that members can attach to their visa applications. This is very beneficial to me since as what I have mentioned, all of my family are living abroad. I tried to apply for a tourist visa for Canada before and was denied. I applied twice and got denied twice for the
reason that I may no longer go back to the Philippines since my family lives there. Through this, my chance of getting approved for a visa is high since I now have a proof that I am really a traveller and I have the means. And R.C.I. is an established company to back me up.

Going back, theresentation ended more than 90 minutes because we have a lot of questions for the presenter. Pierce answered our questions truthfully and with patience. No hard-selling since we were interested anyway. But one question was still left unanswered - HOW MUCH?

Pierce said that the HOW MUCH question will be answered by his manager. But before he passes to the manager, he asked us our reasons for buying and not buying the membership. We told him our only concern is the price. Maybe that was a go signal for him to close the sale so he made us choose between the mabait (kind) and the masungit (grouchy) manager. The bf chosed the grouchy one!

It was a typical sales strategy where an agent will do the presentation and if there's a high probability of a sale, the agent will then pass the conversation to his manager to close the sale. I am familiar to this since I have friends who are into sales (BPO) and I also had a background with sales.

So we were introduced to Ms. Rhubie. Bf said she can go straight to tthe point and show us what she can offer. And so she did. Original price for the membership is 800,000 but can offer it tonight for only half a million. Of course, that is something we can't afford. Then it went down to 250 thousand. Said we can have it in terms, we just need to make a downpayment and pay the rest on a monthly basis. Bf said we still can't afford it at this moment. The manager said that's the best offer but bf kept on hagglinguntil she gave us an offer of 150 thou (with some adjustment on the number of yeears for the membership and the number of weeks we can use our privilege in availing the benefits.) She told us we can make a downpayment of 20 thou and pay the remaining balance of around 5 thou monthly. The issue was we don't have that amount present with us that night. She said we can use a credit card.
We can't since we no longer have purchasing powers using our card. She gave us another option of  withdrawing money from the atm, but our debit card doesn't have that amount. We need to make an over the counter withdrwal from the bank. We told her if we can come back on Tuesday to make the deposit. She said the offer is only good for tonight which for us was b.s. We very know that's a sales strategy. The bf was still convincing the manager to permit us make the deposit on Tuesday until she made us another offer. She said what we can do is sign the contract that night and make the deposit on Tuesday. She made mention about a legal fee but did not explain it very well. She only told us that if we can't make the deposit on Tuesday, our 20 thou will be forfeited. I asked since there's no deposit made yet, nothing will be forfeited - she answered yes so we said yes as well.

The manager, Rhubie called Pierce to finalize everything. Shook our hands and left. Pierce asked us about our agreement with the manager and we told him about it. Good thing that Pierce mentioned about the legal fee and corrected our misunderstanding (which Ms. Rhubie failed to do). We were enlightened that if we fail to make the agreed amount of deposit on the agreed date, we will be subjected to pag a 20 thousand legal fee as what was stated in the contract even if no deposit has been made yet. And if a deposit had been made and suddenly a decision to discoontinue the membership was done, a refund may be possible but the legal fee of 20 thou will be deducted. Ouch! We were lucky that the contracted was not yet printed out and signed by me. Yes, we are very much interrested with the offer but this got us worried and made us want to think more about what we are getting ourselves into. The manager, Ms. Rhubie's explanation was misleading. Maybe this was because of the urge to close a sale. But still, not acceptable. Thanks to Pierce for being honest.

In the end, we told Pierce we will take our chances and will just go back when we already have the money. He okay'ed but gave us no assurance. Then he handed us the gift certificate we "won". We shook hands. It was already quarter to 11 in the evening.

My personal thought on this..

I do not think of this as a scam. I said this because the membership and its benefits are real. It becomes a scam when you purchase something out of your free will and you were tricked of buying something that is not real. I even saw the offer as beneficial to me i just don't have the means to purchase at that moment. This is a timeshare combined with networking since as a member you can refer people and get 10 thou for every successful referral.

And I can see this more of a sales strategy desperate of making sales. They entice their prospect buyers with the thought of them having won a raffle for a free buffet dinner plus a free accomodation. But the truth is there was no raffle draw that happened. They selected the "raffle winners" basing from the salary bracket that was disclosed when a form was filled out before giving the raffle stubs.

So we were done with the buffet dinner..

We still have one remaining prize to enjoy - the free accomodation. Me and the bf plan of making an out of the country trip before the year ends since we were not able to do that last year. We are thinking of going to Bali or Bangkok and might as well try to use the gift certificate and see if it's REAL (will be blogging about it soon).

In conclusion..

After everything that transpired that night, the secret to this kind of situation is be WISE. Don't be intimidated. Learn to say NO. And if you are not interested tell them outright. You are not just saving their time and effort, you are also saving yours.

Here's a good read about Timeshare Presentations:

Thursday, April 30, 2015

My Advice : Wear Sunscreen

Have you read or heard about The Sunscreen Song?

Well before The Sunscreen Song there was The Sunscreen Controversy.

Let me tell you a short story and acquaint you with the main characters behind this...

Mary Schmich a columnist and Brenda Starr a cartoonist made an essay in her column entitled "Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young" (commonly known as "Wear Sunscreen"). This was the commencement speech she would like to give to the class of '97 if she would be invited to give one. Baz Luhrmann, author of the Great Gatsby, on the other hand made a song out of the speech which beame a great hit during the 90's. Baz mistaken someone by the name of Kurt Vonnegut, a writer, as the author of the speech. He later on found out that the real author was Schmich when he and his staff were searching for the author's contact number because they would like to ask permission to use the speech. In the end, the three main characters got acquainted and Schmich said yes to Baz. Then, "Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen) happened.

The Speech:

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of '97.

Wear sunscreen.

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.
The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience...
I will dispense this advice now.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded.
But trust me, in 20 years you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked...
You're not as fat as you Imagine.

Don't worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.
The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind.
The kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.

Do one thing everyday that scares you.


Don't be reckless with other people's hearts, don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.


Don't waste your time on jealousy;
Sometimes you're ahead,
Sometimes You're behind.
The race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself.

Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults;
If you Succeed in doing this, tell me how.

Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.


Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your
The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don't.

Get plenty of calcium.

Be kind to your knees, you'll miss them when they're gone.

Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't, maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't, maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary.
Whatever you do, don't Congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either.
Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's.
Enjoy your body, Use it every way you can... Don't be afraid of it, or what other people Think of it,
It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own...

Dance... even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.

Read the directions, even if you don't follow them.

Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.

Brother and sister together we'll make it through
Someday your spirit will take you and guide you there
I know you've been hurting, but I've been waiting to be there
For you.
And I'll be there, just tell me now, whenever I can.
Everybody's free.

Get to know your parents, you never know when they'll be gone for good.

Be nice to your siblings;
They are the best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.

Understand that friends come and go, but for the precious few you should hold on.
Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.

Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard;
Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.


Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will Philander, you too will get old, and when you do you'll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.

Respect your elders.

Don't expect anyone else to support you.
Maybe you have a trust fund, Maybe you have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one might run out.

Don't mess too much with your hair, or by the time you're 40, it will look 85.

Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.

But trust me on the sunscreen...

The Song:

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

"Luo Zhen" Your Stiff Neck

A week ago, I woke up with a stiff neck which I painstakingly endured for two days. Poor me because I can't take pain reliever meds to alleviate the pain (can only take Biogesic since I'm preggo). 

To add insult to injury, I was at the same time already experiencing severe headache maybe brought by the pain and discomfort of my stiff neck. I was crying because of the annoying feeling and felt defenseless since I cannot even do anything to save me from the unfairness of the situation (OA alert!).  

So what I did was I searched the net for anything that will save me from my dillemma and came across a post about a home remedy for stiff neck. 

I followed the instructions given and after less than 10 mins, to my surprise, the pain on my neck was gone! I was amazed! I had the stiff neck for two days and in just a matter of minutes, it was already gone. Because of this experience, I instantly became a believer of the powers of acupressure. 

Luo Zhen: 

Luo Zhen is the name of an acupuncture/acupressure point used specifically for a stiff neck. The point is found on the back of the hand in between the two bones in the depression just past the knuckles of the pointer and middle finger.

How to use Luo Zhen to treat a stiff neck:
  1. Massage the point on the opposite side of the body from the neck pain. If the right side of your neck hurts, massage the point on your left hand. You will need to massage this point by pressing into it with the tip of your finger, and make sure to use enough pressure to feel slight tenderness at the point.
  2. Maintain that pressure while making very small circles with your pressing finger.
  3. At the same time as you are stimulating the acupressure point, exercise the neck by rotating your head side to side. You should slowly begin to notice a slight increase in your range of motion while experiencing a decrease in pain.,1

 What's true to me may not be the same to you BUT there's no harm in trying. Who know's it might actually work?!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Are You An "oc-oc"?

I self diagnose myself as someone who has a VERY MILD case of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). 

OCD as per Wikipedia is an axiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear or worry (obsessions), repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing the associated anxiety (compulsions), or a combination of such obsessions or compulsion.

My very own signs and symptoms include:

1. Shaking off my undies 3x before wearing them. This already became a habit with the thinking that whatever dirt was on the underwear will be removed before I wear it.

2. I don't like food or drinks being spilled on my clothes because I don't like to smell like food and I don't like the feel of it on my skin.  Whenever this happens and I can't change clothes, I have to wipe it off with alcohol or spray perfume/cologne on the spill or else I will be so uneasy and irritated.

3. I have this uncontrollable urge to put things in an orderly manner like by height, color, etc. I always fix our bedsheet, sofa sheet, picture frames, slippers left on the front door or whatever I see in the house that was not in order or properly kept. I just can't help myself fixing them.

4. When I have nothing to do and I was just staring at a blank scene, I picture imaginary lines and count the lines repeatedly. (I know this make me look insane!) 

As a result of these behaviors, people call me "oc-oc". I don't mind as long as these behaviors do not actually put me in danger nor affect my life negatively. It's even beneficial  because we no longer have to hire a help to keep things in order in the house. *chuckles*

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Why am I always getting bitten by insects?

Why am I always getting bitten by insects?

I am an insect magnet, always getting bitten by all kinds of them. It frustrates me because the bites don’t look good (their fave spots are on legs, arms and face - the visible areas), they leave marks and most especially, they give an uncomfortable feeling. 

There was this one time my friends and I went out of town. Slept in an air conditioned room and shared a one king size bed, guess who was the only one bitten by an unknown creature?! ME!!! 😡😤😠

So out of curiosity, I googled a question on the net about why am I always getting bitten by insects. And here’s the best answer I got from a post 7 years ago…

I am not a fan of alcoholic drinks, I am not fat, my cholesterol levels are a-ok, my fave color is black and I am always locked inside the bedroom. 

I am left with one possible reason - I JUST NATURALLY SMELL BETTER! 

It gave a positive and a negative answer to my question. *scratching bites on the leg*
Why am I always getting bitten by insects?
I am an insect magnet, always getting bitten by all kinds of them. It frustrates me because the bites don’t look good (their fave spots are on legs, arms and face - the visible areas), they leave marks and most especially, they give an uncomfortable feeling.
There was this one time my friends and I went out of town. Slept in an air conditioned room and shared a one king size bed, guess who was the only one bitten by an unknown creature?! ME!!! 😡😤😠
So out of curiosity, I googled a question on the net about why am I always getting bitten by insects. And here’s the best answer I got from a post 7 years ago…
I am not a fan of alcoholic drinks, I am not fat, my cholesterol levels are a-ok, my fave color is black and I am always locked inside the bedroom.
I am left with one possible reason - I JUST NATURALLY SMELL BETTER!
It gave a positive and a negative answer to my question. *scratching bites on the leg*

Friday, April 24, 2015

I therefore say: It's not yet too late for everything.

(Disclaimer: Originally posted in my tumblr account -
. )

Finally, I can be able to cross out one item in my bucket list!

After uncounted attempts of trying to start a blog, here I am now, typing these words for my very first entry (thanks to boredom for giving me the time to do this).

I chose to name this site: My Sentiments Exactly because I had/have lots of things on my mind that sometimes I can’t share personally to anyone. And through this blog, I can be able to let go and voice out these thoughts.

Expect a flood of posts from me today as my excitement to share things with you is overflowing.
Good luck to me and wishing my readers more luck as I share with you MY SENTIMENTS EXACTLY

#MySentimentsExactly #FirstPost #BucketList